Made For Real

Daily relate.

Tag: miscarriage

Lisa Leonard {giveaway!}


Have you seen Lisa’s new summer line?
it’s gorgeous
and inspiring as always…

Right now she’s hosting a giveaway for her beauty in the brokenness heart necklace
(OR bracelet!!!)

~ this is especially meaningful to me in light of our recent miscarriages
and even today, with the joy of this new life growing in my belly,
still a broken heart
but with lots of beauty through the pain…

head on over to Lisa’s blog for all the details


Are you enjoying the 30 Day Challenge?
I am!

birthday/mom’s day thoughts


How was your weekend? I hope EVERYONE had an uplifting week.
I have to admit that after the recent miscarriages we experienced my heart bounces from pangs of longing, to feelings of great joy, relief and then sorrow all over again. Can’t tell you much I miss my babes I never got to hold. And how grateful I am at the same time that they are all in the arms of our loving Creator.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, my God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you. {Psalm 139}


With this next baby on the way I feel over the moon ecstatic, but guilty for the gift as well. Such a catch-22 in my mind and soul. Such a gift I don’t want to take for granted. So many hurting friends that are missing their babies, too, and longing for new life in their bellies.

I am praying for this year to be one of abundant new life. Redeemed hearts. Healthy babies. Life given and lives saved. Comfort. Peace. Grace. Hope renewed.

love to you all,

Just Rest (Tuesdays Unwrapped)


Lysa’s study is kicking my butt today. Mercy.

Right this minute I needed to rest. Just rest. I keep saying this season will be a season of rest for our family. Soul rest, especially. We need it after this past couple years. Many of you know about our crazy year and-a-half of trying to move to our new home, a miscarriage in the middle of the move, and then another miscarriage exactly one year later. It has all been gut-wrenching to say the least.

Of course my “word to focus on” this past year was Peace. Ironic, yes.

And even though I have days that find me in the depths of darkness, pain and sorrow (and probably always will), I’ve simultaneously experienced an unbelievable amount of humbling peace throughout my wretched ordeals. Truly a PEACE that only He can provide and one that I can’t wrap my head around – but I’ll take it!

As I decided today to seriously stop in the middle of my attempt to clean, organize, and decorate all at the same time only causing a more messified house… I realized I needed to put what-I-consider-to-be necessities on the back burner and put Christ first in this harried season.

In this horrific year. In this nutty week. In this crazy day.

And it feels good. Just what I need. It’s always what we need. His Word never leaves me feeling empty, rather, always fulfilled. Ever fulfilling.

So when I continue to also read in my Unglued book I’m reminded of who I am and whose I am. I’m a child of God. I am His. There is such freedom in that thought/statement/fact. And again, I’ll take it!

Freedom also in this: *God’s job isn’t my job.*
Huh, go figure. ; )
He’s got it handled. Without my two cents on the ways I think He could have gone about grabbing my attention more appropriately. Hmm.

Me? He wants my trust and obedience. I will rest in that today.

Do I want lessons learned to be life-changing or fleeting? I’m hoping to allow this one to be life-altering.


This is your life, where you are right now, the things you hold in your hand. Whether you are in a season of work or rest, celebration or grief, take a moment to see where you are and not where you wish you were instead.

Taste the air of the moments that surround you and unwrap them here with us. We can’t wait to have a peek.

Linking up with Emily at Chatting at the Sky. Join us this month?

31 Days


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Color Your World


I wanted to link up with Jennifer so badly this month for the “color of the month” because the color is TEAL – and I love it!!

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Unfortunate Update


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On social graces…


While reading Courtney’s post last week, on Things You Don’t Say To A Pregnant Woman, I was reminded of how offensive people can come across sometimes. And how speaking before thinking is so dangerous. Whether intentional or not.

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